Come and meet the hardworking Balsham Review Team, here are just a few names at the top for you to contact, however no rural village newsletter would be complete without a host of other people, carrying out vital roles like looking after the editing and type copying, desktop publishing, collection and distribution management and a host of distributers around the village and much, much more... We are always in need of plenty of people to help, especially in distribution. If you are interested, please contact us. We would also like to express our thanks to Oliver at E & E Plumridge our printers. If you need any prinnting done you cannot do better than contact Oliver.
Editor:Gill Parry Brown 01223 893012 Long Thatch, Church Lane, Balsham CB21 4DS
Guest Sub Editors: Rodney Bryant John Cope Marilyn & Ron Gunn Gill Watters